Dead Game News (DGN) is a group dedicated to reporting games which are no longer available to consumers, or which are under the risk of becoming unavailable. Games that are dying or dead, as it were.
If you've been browsing the Internet Archive recently, you might have noticed a new search option called "Search radio transcripts". You can now search through radio broadcasts as if looking…
The International Internet Preservation Consortium is an organization dedicated to the preservation of historically and culturally significant websites.
In 2006, the South Korean web portal Daum (다음) introduced Tvpot (TV팟), their own video sharing platform, which was somewhat equivalent to YouTube, as the public was able to upload…
After the initial turbulence, the NEL continued to operate as the Internet Archive worked to reconcile with those who had felt offended by the program. Alas not everyone was satisfied, on 1 June 2020 four major publishers would sue IA culminating in a premature shutdown of the NEL...
The National Emergency Library launched on March 24. At times praised as a wonderful opportunity for accessibility, other times it was slammed as an infringe of author’s and publisher’s rights. But the real question was “Could the Internet Archive handle this much attention?”
The National Emergency Library was one of the Internet Archive's most controversial features. Waitlists on a large collection of books were suspended with the aim of aiding displaced learners across the US...
The National Emergency Library was an initiative launched by the Internet Archive, as a response to US libraries shutting down due to the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak.
It lasted from 23 March 2020 to 15 June. This is a timeline of events leading up to the formation of the NEL and its premature cancellation.