Rikki Poynter

The Untold Story of why YouTube is removing Community Contributions; YouTube CC History pt. 4

In the later half of the 2010’s YouTube began putting a greater emphasis on international accessibility over accessibility for the deaf. This change in policy, alienated the Deaf Community who began to criticize the increasing inadequacy of closed captions on the website. The ensuing events would bring about the rise and fall of the feature known as community contributions.
What Was It Doing There? Quick Anecdotes Of Games We Found In The Weirdest Locations

What Was It Doing There? Quick Anecdotes Of Games We Found In The Weirdest Locations

Imagine never being able to play the one game you enjoyed so much as a kid. The thought of a beloved game being lost would scare most gamers: Mario Kart gone without a trace, Sonic and Knuckles thought to be a fever dream. However impossible this may seem, for many this has become a scary reality. In the world of web games, the internet is an ever-changing place. A game can be played one minute and gone the next, leaving only mere mentions of it from a few people, stranded in an ancient forum, hosted on a potato...