I’d like to start things off by welcoming our latest contributor, gaiages. She’ll be helping us as a writer/editor from now on, so be on the lookout!
Starting things off we have a minor shutdown announcement:
Khronokernel, home to many Hackintosh tutorials for running MacOS on non-Apple, often custom-built, devices will be shutting down on the April 16. The good news is that this isn’t a true shutdown and they’ll be migrating their guides over to https://github.com/dortania, but anyone interested in preserving the old website might want to spring into action right about now.

You may visit https://khronokernel-2.gitbook.io/opencore-vanilla-desktop-guide/misc/credit for more details.
Next up, Lost Media Wiki has released an actual update, right after their Albanian Spongebob Wiki April Fool’s prank update from last week.
The update includes lost dubs, PSA’s, cutting room floor footage for the Super Mario Bros. movie and even a couple of rare games. Our partners over at Gaming Alexandria contributed by providing footage for an unreleased Super Famicom game: Cooly Skunk.
Look familiar? Cooly eventually made it to the Playstation under the name of Punky Skunk, so some of you may have seen this face before.
Head on over to Lost Media Wiki’s homepage for more goodies: https://www.lostmediawiki.com/Home
Finally, we have an update on MAME (the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator), a collection of emulators for old systems and arcade machines. This new version includes quite a few Apple II, V.Smile, IBM 5150 and 5170 games.
There’s also a whole bunch of obscure titles and prototypes this time around, so for anyone looking for the new in the old, check out https://www.mamedev.org for yourself.

A minor note about future summaries:
In order to better synchronize ourselves with announcements from the various channels we report on and to get a better of feel of what times people are reading these summaries, we’ll be experimenting with the time we post these.
Next week’s summary will be scheduled for 10 AM PST (PDT to be more exact), instead.