Who are they?
r/DataHoarder is perhaps one of the largest data hoarding groups out there. Once a humble subreddit, it now hosts over 200 thousand members!
What do they do?
The namesake of DataHorde itself; data hoarding, digital hoarding, e-hoarding or whatever you want to call it refers to making massive collections or archives of digital data. From photos of cats you find online, to digitized records of family trees… Anything you can keep on your computer can be hoarded so to say.
Why? Everyone perhaps has their own objective. Some people want insurance if their favorite social media website shuts down. Others might want to preserve history. I suppose the general goal, not for your average data hoarder, but the kind of data hoarder on r/DataHoarder, is to ensure data worth keeping can be kept online.
How do they do it?
r/DataHoarder isn’t just about hoarding. It’s also a place of discussion for hardware and compression techniques for storing large amounts of information. It’s also a place for sharing things you’ve hoarded up or websites you might come across like online museums. It’s a place for sharing tools made for extracting content from websites or digitizing junk you might have lying around at home.
More than anything, r/DataHoarder is a forum. The subreddit itself doesn’t partake in serious projects all to often, but people who meet/find each other here might go on to do great things. A lot of us who worked on the YouTube annotations project met here on r/DataHaorder, the same goes for the team who’s working on The Eye.

How do I sign up?
Open a reddit account and head on over to https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder. It’s really that simple. Become a data hoarder today!
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