Help Archive Team Save Yahoo! Answers!

Help Archive Team Save Yahoo! Answers!

Yahoo! Answers is shutting down on May 4th, 2021, taking nearly 15 years worth of content with it!

Archive Team is trying to save as much of it as possible, and you can help!

By setting up the Archive Team Warrior and letting it run in the background, you can back up questions and answers from Yahoo! Answers and make them available in the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. The Archive Team Warrior is easy to set up and uses very few of your system resources. The Archive Team Warrior can work on up to 6 items concurrently.

Advanced users can also run the project with Docker using the Docker image, which can easily be deployed on large networks and allows for running projects at a higher concurrency rate per container (maximum 20 concurrent items, though users running the project with this many concurrent items might be rate-limited by Yahoo!).

If you need any help or have any questions about the project, please feel free to refer to the project page on the Archive Team Wiki or ask in Archive Team’s IRC channel for the Yahoo! Answers project. (Please be patient and stay connected if your question isn’t immediately answered so you don’t miss any responses.)

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