Yahoo! Groups Archive Metadata Now Available


After months of work and preparation, the metadata for over 1.1 million Yahoo! Groups retrieved by Archive Team’s Python script as well as from other grabs has been organized and is now available on the Internet Archive. Special thanks to Doranwen for organizing this data.

Yahoo! Groups’ mailing lists, which are the last remaining part of Yahoo! Groups, will be shutting down in 10 days, on December 15, 2020. However, since group content is no longer accessible to the public, there is little left to archive.

Next year, volunteers will be needed to sort and organize the full group data so related groups can be uploaded to the Internet Archive together. This will make it easier to access and browse archives for multiple groups related to similar topics.

For more information about Yahoo! Groups, please see Doranwen’s blog or our Yahoo! Groups articles.


  1. This is Fr Robert Greene attempting to retrieve 2008 Sermons from “Fr Greene’s Sermons a former Yahoo Group. What is my best luck? [email protected]. 310 3088302
    Thank you

    • Avatar photo themadprogramer

      Hi Robert, are you sure the name was precisely, “Fr Greene’s Sermons”? I wasn’t able to find it indexed under F. We should probably get back to you by mail or something if anything does turn up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • tech234a

      Hi! Do you happen to remember the website URL or E-Mail address the group used? The email address would probably end in “” or “”.

  2. Anonymous

    Hi, I’m currently doing some sleuthing around about the oldest flash animation on the internet, The Goddamned George Liquor Program, and apparently a Yahoo! Group existed for it. I used the method but couldn’t seem to find the messages, just the metadata… is it possible the group’s activity still exists somewhere?

  3. Rhio2k

    I have a collection of posts (nearly 6,000, in .html format) from the Furry City round robin story group. This is nearly the full message area (the area in which the stories took place). Would that help in reconstructing the group?

  4. I am looking for “monzagtregistry” from old yahoo groups.

  5. Israel

    Just trying my luck. I tried the tutorial but could not find “mechapinoy”. Its a plastic modeling community. I wonder if anyone can help. Thanks. 🙂

  6. Rhio2k

    What good is metadata? Have the groups THEMSELVES been saved? Can you access the conversations and files? Those of us who were members already KNOW how many members our groups had. We know our groups existed. We want to go back and re-read old conversations with people we no longer are in contact with.

  7. Luke

    Is there any trace of the mariokart Civ club or deftones could kick your ass???

  8. Jim Bell

    looking for the groups of meaty labia that use to be a part of Yahoo adult groups

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